Illustrated by Dr. Junichi Ono.
Molecular Movies; to be continued.
November 30th and December 1st, 2023
Click the here↑ to access the online form and enter the required information.
Deadline: 17:00 JST, the 22th Oct., 2023 (Sun)
※Registration for the poster session only.
Click the here↑ to access the online form and enter the required information and the title/ the abstract.
This is the last symposium of the Molecular Movies project. PIs (for planned research and publicly offered research programs) and Co-Investigators are encouraged to make presentations.
Abstract: approximately 100 words
Deadline: 17:00 JST, the 15th Oct., 2023 (Sun)
∗ Presentation language: English (5min presentation + 4min Q & A)
∗ If you apply for both “Short talk session” and “Poster session”, please enter the both titles.
Deadline: 17:00 JST, the 22th Oct., 2023 (Sun)
∗ Poster board: The width is 90 cm and the height is 180 cm.
Abstract: approximately 200 words
Deadline: 17:00 JST, the 15th Oct., 2023 (Sun)
Deadline: 17:00 JST, the 15th Oct., 2023 (Sun)
∗ The Project Meeting is for the planned research and the 2022 publicly offered research members only.